Dear Readers,
hello stress ! how are you today ? welcome to my life ! make yourself comfortable.
i have a feeling you are going to be here for a while.
stress have turn me into an emo-faggot!
Kerja nak marah maki hamun orang saja sejak dua menjak ni. Dengan Berukband aku buat hal lagi, memang nak kena ni! Jadi dengan kesempatan yang ada, i am freaking mad at all the people in the world!
Cis bila nak belah si stress ni, macam sial. Well by the way, last time i had a leisure conversation with my guys. they told me that i am bold, hard and tough. I think they should learned how to take care of girl's feeling especially me. Memang aku macam jantan tingkah laku, tapi hati aku penuh dengan Taman. FUCK!
Lambat laun aku akan jadi perempuan tulen jugak satu hari nanti, tak perlu lah nak jadi bomoh karut tetapkan date and day bila aku nak jadi lembut. This is me. The real one. Buat apa nak cover cun walaupun sememangnya aku memang cun, GODDAMMIT.
One more, aku akan habiskan semester terakhir aku dalam few hours, i can't really wait exactly, yes memang bunyi macam gampang poyo, padahal aku sedih nak mampus dengan perpisahan yang bakal berlaku di Dewan Annexe UiTM Shah Alam merangkap lokasi dimana paper terakhir aku akan dilangsungkan dan akan dibanjiri dengan air mata perpisahan. Aku sedih tapi buat-buat tough. Durrhh~
Dear kawan-kawan sekelas yang hadir pada gathering night BBQ last Friday, aku happy sangat for having a nice friends one like you guys, aku mesti akan rindu korang, and i am freaking will. This is some of photos taken during BBQ at tasik Shah Alam Section 7. Sumpah SERONOK lah cibayyy.
"People came to you when they need a shoulder to lean on. You have always been there for others when they needed someone, but where did you turn to when you need one?"
And all i could do is just went silence.
This is my current Status:
❒ Taken ❒ Single ✔ Loving God.

That's all for Beautiful Monday, and enjoy your life. Sekian terima Kasut.
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